Enrolment Details Full Name
Date of Birth
School Year Enrolled In—Please choose an option—202420252026
Are you intending on completing both the lecture & outreach phase of the DTS?—Please choose an option—YesNo
[group one-phase] Please explain why [/group]
Passport Information Country of Citizenship
Name as listed on passport
City & country of passport issue
Passport expiration date
Have you ever been refused a visa?—Please choose an option—YesNo
[group visa-denied] To which country have you been denied a visa? Please also describe the circumstances under which you were denied [/group]
Further Educational Details What is the highest educational level you have acheived?
Are you pursuing a University of the Nations degree?—Please choose an option—YesNoNot Sure
Have you previously attended YWAM or University of the Nations schools (including DTS / CDTS)?—Please choose an option—YesNo
[group ywam-before] Please specify which school(s), including which YWAM / U of N campus [/group]
Experience & Work Skills English proficiency—Please choose an option—Elementary speakingLimited word proficiencyMinimum proficiencyNative speaking proficiencyMother tongue
Please describe any previous ministry experience you have had
Work Skills Check all that apply Carpentry / Construction Computers Child Care Dish Duty Food Preparation Gardening Handyman Hospitality Housekeeping Maintenance (Building/Vehicle) Children's Programs Dance Drama Evangelism Healthcare Music Public Speaking Puppetry
Please list any other skills you feel would be important to note.
Faith Journey God has called us to run our ministry differently than we have in the past. We are calling this new way of operating our "Faith Journey". Visit for more information.
This new way means we:
- As we feel the need together, we choose to trust God to provide through miraculous generosity, rather than charging students lecture phase fees
- Come together each day to seek and pray as a community
- Celebrate God’s provision together
Are you willing to join us in this Faith Journey, specifically committing to experience and pray for needs together with us and celebrate victories?—Please choose an option—YesNo
What are your thoughts and feelings on being a part of this journey?
Policies All YWAM Sheep River staff and students are required to read and accept our Code of Conduct. Please take the time to read it before you submit your information. I have read and consent to the Code of Conduct(required)
Your data will be retained by YWAM Sheep River in accordance with their GDPR Privacy Notice I consent to this data storage(required)
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